Myra/Kale/Demre -- birth place of Santa Claus
Santa Claus may live in Finland, Svalbard, or the North Pole, but his original was born, lived and died in Turkey.
On the Mediterranean coast, in a place now called Kale/Demre, and known formerly as Myra, the Church of St. Nicholas may still be seen. Now a ruin, it was built in Byzantine times. Within it lies the tomb of St. Nicholas of Myra, born 300 CE in Patara. He served as bishop of Myra.
After his death, St. Nicholas was named the patron saint of sailors and seafarers. His tomb was stripped about a thousand years ago and the relics taken to Bari, Italy, where they were enshrined in a cathedral.
The statue in the picture stands outside this ruined church. It reflects various legends about the kindness shown by St. Nicholas to others, especially the less fortunate, and clearly portrays aspects of the St. Nick, Father Christmas or Santa Claus we know and love today.